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Welcome to Solar with Sully

The only team you’ll need for everything solar

Let’s take the first step of your solar journey together. Solar with Sully is a comprehensive solar consulting company providing you turn-key services to convert to solar. We’re with you every step of the way:

Our services include:

  • No-obligation Solar Consultation
  • Expert Design and Engineering
  • Financial Analysis
  • Professional Installation
  • Quality Control and Project Management
  • Industry’s Best Warranty
  • Unsurpassed Customer Service

You now have a friend in the solar business.

Contact Solar with Sully for a free solar consultation with one of our expert solar consultants.
Check out the rest of the site to learn more about all of the services we offer.

Solar Installation

Solar with Sully offers complete installation for residential and commercial properties. We save you time and money because we have over 25 years of experience helping homeowners and businesses convert to solar nationwide…


Energy Security

We take our power for granted but as we all know from time to time our local utility leaves us in the dark. Our goal at Solar with Sully is to give you the peace of mind knowing that you are prepared in advance to secure the energy that your family needs…


Energy Security

We take our power for granted but as we all know from time to time our local utility leaves us in the dark. Our goal at Solar with Sully is to give you the peace of mind knowing that you are prepared in advance to secure the energy that your family needs…


Energy Efficiency

Solar with Sully believes how you use your energy is just as important as how you generate it. Because the cost of energy is rising, let’s make sure that yourhome or business is running as efficiently as possible…


Everything Under the Sun

Solar with Sully is more than just solar. We provide a comprehensive solution for all of your energy needs


Everything Under the Sun

Solar with Sully is more than just solar. We provide a comprehensive solution for all of your energy needs…